Welle Training

Personal Safety in the Community

Course Number
11&12 - W

The Personal Safety in the Community Course
The information in this module provides a framework to keep you safer in the community and more effective when facing unique, unexpected, challenging, difficult, or even dangerous situations. We will discuss ways to anticipate problems and predict violence as well as how to create a safer community/home visit from start to finish. As we explore the content of this course, take note of the different ways you can keep yourself safe each and every day.

Has an individual ever threatened you?  How did you react? Is there anything you would have done differently to handle the situation more effectively?

Many of us have been threatened at one time or another, but how did we know if the threat was real? There are some underlying theories about threats and threat assessment. This module provides insight into how to assess the credibility of a threat. The goal is to provide a framework to keep you safer and more effective when facing unique, unexpected, challenging, difficult, or even dangerous situations.

Course Hours
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